Make sure you have in place any visualization aids you would like to use.
See yourself performing a certain skill in a practice situation perfectly.
Focus on details: what do you see, what do you feel, what do you hear, what do you smell, what do you taste?
Now, put that skill against an opponent.
See yourself completing it perfectly, repeatedly completing the task to perfection and resulting in a successful finish.
Next, put yourself in a game like atmosphere.
Hear the crowd, see your teammates, opponents, coaches, and refs, see yourself completing the practiced skill in the game.
If you start to sway into a negative thought or image push it out of your mind and refocus on positive aspects.
See yourself complete the skill, resulting in a successful finish.
Repeat until the 5 minutes ends.
Keep in mind, you can decide how you visualize yourself: either as though you are watching a highlight film of yourself, or as though you are actually looking out from your eyes.
Challenge – can you do the #5minutestosuccess visualization challenge every day for the next week?
Good luck! Share your results and let me know how it goes!
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